Our Courses
- Financial Management
- Boiler Maker Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Civill Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Welding Engineering
- Fitting and Turning Engineering
- Water and Waste-water Treatment Practice
- Management Assistant
- Business Management
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing Management
- Public Relations
- Public Management

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Boiler Maker Engineering N1-N6
Boilermakers are trades person who cut, shape, assemble and weld steel to construct and repair metal products and structures for boilers, ships, iron and steel structures and other vessels. A boilermaker is a trained craftsman who produces steel fabrications from plates and sections.
This qualification is designed to meet the needs of the Learner in a variety of engineering related sectors. Engineering Fabrication is a generic engineering and trade related qualification that builds on the fundamentals of fabrication. This qualification will provide learners, education and training providers and employers with the standards and the range of learning required to work effectively in various industries making use of engineering fabrication.
Our Highly Qualified teachers will master you in the follwing subjects.
- Engineering Science N1-N4
- Mathematics N1-N6
- Metal Workers Theory N1-N6
- Planting & Structural Steel Drawing N1-N3
- Platers Theory N3
- Mechanotechnics N4-N6
- Fluid Machines N5-N6
- Power Machines N5-N6
- Strenght of Material and Sturctures N5-N6

Career Opportunities
- Mill Wright
- Fitter & Turner
- Technically Related Opportunities
- Mechanical Technician
- Power Station Worker
- Mechanical Draughtsman
- Welder
- Tools Maker